Serving Households in North Austin and the Northwest Hills

  • "Prompt, efficient, and excellent service."

    – Bob K.

  • "The service is fantastic and my knives ARE incredibly sharp."

    – Naomi H.

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About the Service

Convenient. Quality. Affordable.

At North Austin Knife Sharpening, your knives will be treated as if they’re my own. I take great care to ensure that all your knives are returned to you in excellent condition.

Pick-up and delivery is available, so getting your knives sharpened has never been easier.

I use precision, manual sharpening equipment that’s designed for perfect results while removing a minimal amount of material from your blades. This means your knives will stay in great condition for an extremely long time.

Highly competitive prices.

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How it Works

  1. Simply place an order online and select the date you would like your knives to be picked up.

  2. I will pick up your knives and deliver them back to you within 1-2 days.

  3. Payment is collected at the time of delivery. I accept cash, credit cards, Venmo, or PayPal.

  4. Enjoy using your incredibly sharp knives!

Caring for Your Knives

Depending on how frequently you use your knives, we recommend having them sharpened 2-4 times a year. If you always use a cutting board, don’t use too much pressure when cutting, never wash your knives in the dishwasher, and store them carefully in knife block or a magnetic knife rack, your knives will stay in great shape for much longer!

Book your next knife sharpening appointment today.